Bahai Literature (Urdu) 1908-1992

The book ‘Baha’i Literature Urdu 1908-1992’ is actually a compilation of commentarial list of Baha’i Books & Material published in Urdu from 1904 to 1993. It also gives a brief introduction to these material and consist of a history of Baha’i Litereture in Urdu Language. It’s compiler is Shamsheer Ali and preface is written by Prof. Dr. Sabir Afaqi, a reknowned writer, poet, researcher and academician.

Compiler: Shamsheer Ali

Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inch

Pages: 88

Cover: One colour, Soft

Published: 1992 (The Holy Year) Published as a special issue of quarterly Musaid



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Year Produced